Certainly this time of year the word resolution comes in to play. I decided to definitively look up the definition in my dictionary (yes, I admit I am technologically challenged and therefore use a dictionary- SORRY!).
So, the definition of resolution- a formal expression of opinion of intention made- Act of determining upon an action, course of action, method or procedure.
So as New Years approaches and the new year begins, let's all resolve:
- Call your mom more
- Be patient with your kids
- Love your wife/husband more
- Exercise more
- Make better food choices
- Get more sleep
- Laugh more
- Look out for the "other guy or gal" more
- Appreciate things more
- A personal resolution- To lose weight more- I resolved to lose weight in 2016- I think I lost 4 and a half ounces! More to come in 2017, just wait!
- Etc., etc. etc.
As always, we will be here for your health needs in 2017 to give you all incredible chiropractic care. It is a privilege and an honor.
Please be safe. Lots of happiness to you and yours in the New Year.
Yours in good health,
Dr. Ray and Health
This blog serves as a communication tool for Resnick Chiropractic. Our hopes are to offer details about the office, its staff, and its goals. Also offered will be health tips utilizing chiropractic practices as well as ideas and things you can do to enhance your lifestyle!
Saturday, December 31, 2016
Friday, December 23, 2016
Joyous Holidays to all
As the holiday season is upon us, just want to remind everyone to be careful driving- the roads are filled with distracted people on their phones and pondering what gifts to buy. Watch yourself out there...
Enjoy the holiday food but don't forget to get a little exercise in also when you can...
Dr. Ray and staff just want to wish you all a peaceful and safe holiday for you and yours. Lots of love and as always...
Yours in good health,
Dr. Ray and staff
Thursday, December 1, 2016
A Question of Balance
Years ago I was treating a woman in her mid 40's who was in a bad car accident. After some time of chiropractic care I wasn't pleased with her improvement. She kept on complaining of a decent amount of symptoms. I was getting ready to perhaps discharge her and talk to her about another type of care, since I was not thrilled with her progression. On a subsequent visit to the office, I walked into the treatment room and she sees me and starts crying. I said, "I will be back in 1 minute" and when I returned she confided in me that the state of her marriage was in disarray.
At that point I realized why she wasn't getting better...
Chiropractic care is delivered not just to ease pain and symptoms, it is to help the body get into balance. Through chiropractic and good doctoring and good caring- maintaining balance in body/mind/spirit is really what a good doctor should strive to do for any patient. When you assist your patients in balancing those three factors then you really are helping a human being obtain optimal health, and that is what a good doctor should always have in mind.
So I came across a couple of super quotes concerning maintaining balance, enjoy:
1- "The best 6 doctors anywhere and no one can deny it, are- sunshine, water, rest, air, exercise and diet." (Wayne Fields)
2- "Nurturing yourself is not selfish it is essential to your survival and well being" (Renee Peterson Trudeau)
3- "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity" (World Health Organization)
Strive for balance my friends, life is fleeting.
Yours in good health,
Dr. Ray and Staff
At that point I realized why she wasn't getting better...
Chiropractic care is delivered not just to ease pain and symptoms, it is to help the body get into balance. Through chiropractic and good doctoring and good caring- maintaining balance in body/mind/spirit is really what a good doctor should strive to do for any patient. When you assist your patients in balancing those three factors then you really are helping a human being obtain optimal health, and that is what a good doctor should always have in mind.
So I came across a couple of super quotes concerning maintaining balance, enjoy:
1- "The best 6 doctors anywhere and no one can deny it, are- sunshine, water, rest, air, exercise and diet." (Wayne Fields)
2- "Nurturing yourself is not selfish it is essential to your survival and well being" (Renee Peterson Trudeau)
3- "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity" (World Health Organization)
Strive for balance my friends, life is fleeting.
Yours in good health,
Dr. Ray and Staff
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Turkey Day 2016
A Very Happy Thanksgiving to all of our patients, family, and friends. We thank you for giving thanks to chiropractic for the last 25 years. It is the ultimate great feeling!
Enjoy the holiday, be safe, and don't forget to shop your small business on Saturday, November 26th for "Small Business Day" across America. Pick up a gift certificate from Resnick Chiropractic for your loved ones for the holiday season.
Safe travels to all...
Yours in good health,
Dr. Ray and Staff
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
It Ain't Over 'Till It's Over...
As a long time baseball fan, and sports fan in general, a win all 7th game for a championship is a sportsman's dream. Wednesday nights game 7 with the Cubs vs. Indians should be great, can't wait to watch it!
The never give up attitude that all teams need to accomplish a championship has never been more evident than this baseball season.

Over the past 30 years of practicing chiropractic, I have seen many miracles with patients who have done terrific utilizing chiropractic care to combat there long term problems and then say to me "I wish I would of tried this years ago." Please give the office a call so we can sit down together and open your eyes to chiropractic care.
Yours in good health,
Dr. Ray and Staff
Monday, October 24, 2016
Time Flies When You're Having Fun...
I will never forget when I came out to Chester County with my wife and two little children thinking that perhaps Chester County would be a good choice to open up my chiropractic office.
Thank goodness with some hard work, treating people decent and well, utilizing extreme competency, and also warmth and concern- 25 years have gone by.
It's still rewarding to have a new patient walk into your office and with some tender loving care a short time later that person's life has changed through chiropractic. It still is a great feeling, I just want to thank everyone for giving me a chance to help.
My intention is to keep on doing what I am doing. So thanks again for your patronage and love.
Yours in good health,
Dr. Ray and Staff
Thank goodness with some hard work, treating people decent and well, utilizing extreme competency, and also warmth and concern- 25 years have gone by.
It's still rewarding to have a new patient walk into your office and with some tender loving care a short time later that person's life has changed through chiropractic. It still is a great feeling, I just want to thank everyone for giving me a chance to help.
My intention is to keep on doing what I am doing. So thanks again for your patronage and love.
Yours in good health,
Dr. Ray and Staff
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
Friday, September 23, 2016
Raise Awareness of Tech-Neck...
Whether it's at your work station, handheld devices, multitude of different tablets or your lap top computer; they all contribute to all of us needing to hold our heads flexed and leaning forward. As you continue to have the head in those positions, flexed and forward, it places the cervical spine in a weakened position and posture.
These constant and daily positions day after day can absolutely cause muscle strain, disk weaknesses, shoulder and upper spinal dysfunction and postural issues.
So I implore you all to do the following:
- Get a chair with a head rest and while you are sitting keep your head against the headrest
- Check and continue to check your ergonomics (placement of everything at your work station)
- Keep changing your position at your work station
- Have something to help remind you to change position whether it is an alarm on your phone/computer or a note on your desk or a chochkey around. Something to help remind you to get up and change your position every 20 minutes or so
- Run, don't walk, to the chiropractor if you notice that you are having prolonged neck pain, tingling in arms, shoulder or upper back discomfort and tightness
These are important pointers since we all spend too much time with our devices and in front of our computers.
Have a safe beginning of Fall (if you can believe it is Fall!).
Yours in good health,
Dr. Ray and Staff
These constant and daily positions day after day can absolutely cause muscle strain, disk weaknesses, shoulder and upper spinal dysfunction and postural issues.
So I implore you all to do the following:
- Get a chair with a head rest and while you are sitting keep your head against the headrest
- Check and continue to check your ergonomics (placement of everything at your work station)
- Keep changing your position at your work station
- Have something to help remind you to change position whether it is an alarm on your phone/computer or a note on your desk or a chochkey around. Something to help remind you to get up and change your position every 20 minutes or so
- Run, don't walk, to the chiropractor if you notice that you are having prolonged neck pain, tingling in arms, shoulder or upper back discomfort and tightness
These are important pointers since we all spend too much time with our devices and in front of our computers.
Have a safe beginning of Fall (if you can believe it is Fall!).
Yours in good health,
Dr. Ray and Staff
Friday, September 2, 2016
The Bodies Work is Never Done...
Happy Labor Day weekend to one and all!
Is it really September or am I just dreaming?
The summer of 2016 really did speed along, but here we are anyway. A safe and pleasant Labor Day to one and all.
As you know Labor Day is celebrated to salute the workers of this country and the tireless dedication that we all have in pursuing our employment. We also celebrate and give thanks to the workers in the past that created unions to assist in fairness. We also want to give prayers and hope to those unemployed who are looking for work. We say to them "Keep your heads up and be positive and employment will come your way." Of course it is a great time to remind y'all that our bodies work is never done...
Regardless of the abuse we put it through and the non stop silly/stupid things we do to our bodies it is like the energizer bunny- it just keeps on going.
I implore everyone to stop for a moment during your joyous Labor Day holiday and just appreciate the bodies ability to take care of itself and do all that it needs to do.
Be safe out there. Yours in good health,
Dr. Ray and Staff
Thursday, August 18, 2016
Backpacking back to school...
We have all come to understand that the back packs our children use to go back and forth to school can really be problematic. So I ask all of you to raise your consciousness about this and lets talk about some of these issues...
Different information has been gathered over these past 10-15 years showing that too much weight in back packs can cause problems such as:
- Heavy compression on disks
- Increasing the curvature of the lower spine
- Causing back pain and shoulder problems
- Over loaded packs can also strain neck and thoracic spine
- Developing curves in the mid and lower back causing muscle strain and irritation to the spine and ribcage
- Rounding shoulders
- Back pack over load can cause students to lean forward, reducing balance and making it easier to fall
Here are some important tips to help prevent over loaded back pack issues:
- Adjust straps to fit the pack snuggly to the child/adult body holding the bottom of the pack two inches above the waist and keeping the top just below the base of the skull, do not carry pack low toward butt
- Lift packs using leg muscles and keep close to the body, do not bend over with arms extended
- Do not lean forward when walking with back pack, if that is necessary there is too much weight in pack
- The pack should not be larger than users back
As parents, be proactive. Ask your child if they feel any back ache or pains. Coach your child to only carry books needed in packs leaving unnecessary items at home or school. Please train your child to clean out his or her pack at least once a week.
These are important, trust me. In the past 15 years I have seen more and more children with mid and low back issues due to back packs. So, watch out for this issue please. We want our children to be as healthy as they can be.
Any questions do not hesitate to give the office a call. Yours in good health,
Dr. Ray and Staff
Wednesday, August 3, 2016
Important Choices to be Made
At the moment, I am totally drained as a response to the Democratic and Republican National Conventions. All the rhetoric is dizzying and confusing to be honest. It is a lot of choices to be made and rather important ones to boot. I think we all have to try to do our best to make what judgments we feel are the right ones for us and the best ones for the country.

Please never hesitate in calling the office if you have any questions concerning these choices for your health. We are here to answer those questions any day, any time or at least get back to you as promptly as we can.
Keep on trying to make excellent decisions for your bodies as well as for our great country.
Yours in good health,
Dr. Ray and Staff
Thursday, July 21, 2016
Cultural Homeostasis
Recent events continue to show us that in the United States of America we need to work on getting along with each other and making sure that all that we do works in conjunction with our neighbors.
It reminded me how our bodies work. The word homeostasis refers to how the human body and all the systems within it work together so our bodies function on a level that allows us to almost take for granted how incredible the human body is. Homeostasis refers to the cardiac system working in conjunction with the circulatory system, the central nervous system is working in conjunction with the autonomic nervous system, the kidneys are working in conjunction with our bladder, etc. etc.

So this is what we all need to strive for- to live together, work together, listen to each other, respect each other so we all get along without having to think about it. That is part of our makeup.
Wouldn't that be terrific and isn't that something for us all to strive for. Getting along and not even having to think about it because it is just "who we are," just like our bodies. It functions without even having to think about it.
Keep the faith.
Yours in good health,
Dr. Ray and Staff
Friday, July 1, 2016
Be Safe on the 4th!
All of us here at Resnick Chiropractic just want to wish all of you a safe and pleasant 4th of July weekend.
As always, we are here for you for all of your chiropractic needs, questions or concerns. Don't hesitate to give the office a call. We will be here Friday and Saturday of the holiday weekend.
Please always remember and never forget- if you have a Fifth on the Fourth, you may not be able to go Fourth on the Fifth...
Yours in good health and God Bless America,
Dr. Ray and Staff
,Thursday, June 9, 2016
Time flies when your having fun...
It amazes me and totally blows me away that I have had the privilege of practicing in Exton, PA for over 25 years. As I have said before, it is an honor to change peoples lives and give them the ability through chiropractic to enjoy their lives to the utmost that they can. Often, neuro-muscular skeletal problems take away a persons quality of life. They may live with it for a while thinking it will go away or they will take a lot of medication assuming it will take away the cause.
Chiropractic is available to everyone to assist in getting to the cause and with some loving care allows the body to heal itself.
Being in Chester County for over 25 years is amazing but I certainly want to thank everyone for allowing my new office, of which I am celebrating the 2nd anniversary, to be successful and terrific.
It has been convenient for patients to get to the new spot, easy access in and out of the parking lot and I am more visible since I am right next to the Toy's R Us shopping center that has a lot of great people coming in and out of it everyday.
So all in all again thank you for believing in me and giving me the honor of adjusting ya'll.
Keep on being careful out there.
Yours in good health,
Dr. Ray and staff
Monday, May 16, 2016
"Ray's Anatomy"
Most people- educated people or people in the know if asked really aren't quite sure where our first vertebra is. Often when I ask patients, "Point with your index finger along the side of your neck where you think your first vertebra is", most point in the low point of the neck not far from the little bump we all have at the base of our neck. Believe me, if that is where our first vertebra is we would be in serious trouble my friends.
So, you may ask where the heck then is the first vertebra? If you lift up your little earlobe and point your finger just behind your earlobe against the base of your skull, believe it or not that is where the first vertebra is. The reason it is there and always has been there is because we all have a little hole in the base of our skull. Through that little hole goes the brain stem and once the brain stem peaks through that little hole the spinal cord is created. Once that brain stem becomes our spinal cord that is where the first vertebra must be to protect our spinal cord since that and the brain consist of our central nervous system.
Always remember and never forget my friends that the central nervous system is the main computer of the human body and must be protected by bone. Those bones are the skull for the brain and the vertebra for our spinal cord. Chiropractic deals with those vertebrae and the effect that their functioning has on the amazing human body.
So go forth and take care of yourselves. We are here for your always.
Yours in good health,
Dr. Ray and staff
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Play Ball!
The reason this time of year is so terrific is because it is "Renewal Time" Spring is here, flowers blooming, winter leaving, Flyers are back in the playoffs, Nova are the champs and of course the baseball season begins.
Nothing epitomizes the renewal of Spring more than the beginning of baseball season because everyone starts out fresh and everybody has the possibility of becoming World Series Champs.
So why don't we all take advantage of this time of year and as the Phillies are chugging along why don't we take our bodies and do some things that perhaps we wanted to but have not done yet or perhaps we started to do and dropped the ball.
Pick up the ball and get that exercise regime started. Watch what you put in your mouth and make good choices with your diet. Go to whatever doctors you need to go to for check-ups and just take advantage of the renewal going on around you. Of course, why not include chiropractic as part of that regime. We are here for you to answer any questions any time. Please don't forget any new patients can come in and get a free consultation with Dr. Ray. Go Phillies, go Flyers and congrats to Villanova again!
Yours in good health,
Dr. Ray and Staff
Friday, March 25, 2016
Lots of hands, lots of feet
Certainly it is true that as most people know, you go to the chiropractor for spinal problems- neck, low back, sciatica, etc. To be sure because of the every day wear and tear of our lives, chiropractic is incredibly helpful for these problems.
However, often the every day repetition of our lives can also cause chronic and substantial symptoms in our hands and feet. It is important to tell everyone that fortunately back then in chiropractic school, we also studied hands and feet and the bones, ligaments, tendons and articulations that comprise our hands and feet.
Because there are 27 bones in each of our hands and 26 bones in each of our feet all the work and schlepping we do can create chronic problems due to mechanical functioning, or really mechanical dysfunction. Most of the problems people have in their hands and feet are not severe or unusual problems but they are common recurring problems.
So run, don't walk, to your local chiropractor or give our office a call because there are so many things that can be done with finger pain, wrist pain, elbow discomfort, ankle issues, foot problems, pain in our toes, etc. As I've said, many of these problems can be fixed with a little hands on effort, mechanical manipulative treatment, some stretching, and various other easy things to do.
Of course, please have a blessed and safe holiday with your family and loved ones.
Yours in good health,
Dr. Ray and Staff
Thursday, March 3, 2016
The Nerve of it...
Getting adjusted has many benefits: increased circulation, increase botanical function, decrease inflammation, increase joint function and many more. Another incredible benefit of getting adjusted is increasing function of our nervous system. How does this occur...I will tell you.
At the bottom of our brain, it changes shape to become stem like. At the base of our brain where the brain is now called the brain stem there is a hole in the bottom of our skull where the brain stem goes through. Once the brain stem exits the hole it is no longer called the brain stem, it's the beginning of our spinal cord. As the spinal cord goes through the back of our vertebrae which is called the spinal canal, there are 31 pair of nerves that branch off our spinal cord. These branches begin at the base of our skull just behind our ear lobe and creates 31 pair of nerves that go out of our cord through holes between the vertebrae. After that they branch out into millions of nerve fibers that go into every part of our body- our organs, arms, legs and everything else in between.
This is how our body works. There are signals that go down the brain, down the cord, out the nerves into our body. Then there are external signals that go into the nerves, into the cord and finally up to the brain- that is a 24 hour a day process so therefore...every time you get adjusted and you open up those nerve pathways and increase nerve flow you are also increasing the health of the body in many ways. Some of these ways you can feel and other signals are internal and silent.
The point being that everything we do for our body that is good for our body has incredible and multiple benefits whether it is what we eat, exercise, sleeping or even getting adjusted. Because of these multiple benefits I urge you to stop in the office or give us a call to avail yourself of these multiple benefits.
Enjoy the, hopeful, end of winter and the beginning of beautiful spring.
Yours in good health,
Dr. Ray and Staff
Thursday, February 11, 2016
The Greatest Love of All...
With Valentine's Day approaching I would be remiss if I didn't remind everyone, and although it may be a cliche, it is certainly true that the greatest love of all is the love of being nice to yourself.
Unfortunately self love is hard a lot of times because we are so busy doing things for others whether it is at work or at home. It could be for your loved ones or other members of your family or perhaps your elderly parents etc. All those reasons, although important and real, often get in the way of doing things for ourselves that are important and that sustain our health.
What also happens is that the constant doing for others affects our health in two ways: the physical and the mental. There is no denying the mind/body connection- if we neglect one the other suffers and therefore we are not living to the optimal health we can and should be.
So, I implore all of you (and for myself included) to keep working on being diligent with both the mental and the physical parts of your health. Chiropractic can certainly help with that but I can adjust people until the cows come home but if they are not in a good mental state then their body is just not going to respond.
Please keep this in mind. Love yourselves, love your loved ones, be nice to each other. Have a wonderful and loving Valentine's day and always remember and never forget Dr. Ray is always here for you.
Yours in good health,
Dr. Ray and staff
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Post Traumatic Snow Reaction "PTSR"
I woke up this morning and I felt like great, great Grandpa Resnick. My shoulders were achy, my back was stiff, my neck was hurting and I was generally in a foul mood. I have a feeling that I wasn't the only one...
That amount of snow that Blizzard Jonas gave us was past the point of ridiculousness, in fact it was past the point of absurd. Fortunately, most of us will recover in a timely fashion. Here are some things to do to help the body weather the storm...
- A moist heating pad feels great (for 15-20 minutes over achy areas)
- If you are really feeling pain, put some ice over the area (put the ice pack over a damp towel)
- Hot showers can really be soothing as they loosen the joints and help the muscles move well
- Do some easy stretching for your joints to increase mobility
- Please WALK SOFTLY WITH CARE (no slipping and sliding)
All kidding aside, unfortunately their is always a decent amount of people that get really hurt from this ridiculous weather. I don't want that happening to any of you. Be very diligent when walking outside and make sure your footing is true.
Of course if you need us, don't hesitate to call- we are always here for you.
Yours in good health,
Dr. Ray and Staff
Friday, January 15, 2016
Birthday Thank You's
"I just want to say thank you to all patients, family and friends that wished me a Happy Birthday this week. It was a special week and being able to use social media to connect with many of you is a dream come true. I love not just being able to heal but to listen as well. Thanks again for a memorable week and please stop in the office to get adjusted if need be, the cold weather can bring out aches and pains in the body. Love to all!"- Dr. Ray
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