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Sunday, December 29, 2013


It seems unbelievable to me that 2014 signifies my 24th year serving Chester County with terrific and lovable chiropractic. It has really been a blessing taking care of everyone and I feel honored to continue to do so. 

Please make sure your New Years is safe and don't do any silly things. 

As the year begins lets just go through a handful of health tips to make sure we all start off on the right foot:
1- Get adjusted, get your chiropractic care; weather its for acute, chronic, or "keep up the wellness" care
2- If you have never been to a dermatologist it is time to go to check the largest organ of the human body: The Skin
3- Ladies: if it is mammogram time please take care of it
4- I have met too many patients who have never had a colonoscopy; if that is you, I will give you a phone number of a good, trusted Doctor. If it has been long enough for a second one to be done, take care of that
5- Men: get that prostate checked; including blood work for the PSA

Health is not merely the absence of symptoms, it is a combination of many things including function/exercise/healthy blood work/good mental outlook/proper nutrition/ and lots of love making!

God bless us all...

Happy New Year!

Yours in good health,

Dr. Ray and Staff

PS- 2014 will be a big year for Resnick Chiropractic- Be sure to keep up with our office blog, our Facebook Page Updates, and many other exciting things going on at the office.

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