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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Celebrating Your Independence

First lets wish you all a safe and enjoyable 4th of July for everyone and their families. Don't forget to put on enough sunscreen and please be diligent with watching the little kids at the beach and the pool. With independence, comes responsibilities. Dr. Ray wants to remind everyone to accept their responsibilities to live healthy lifestyles and be timely with your preventative health care. So, see your dentist at least once a year, have your mammograms done timely, have your OB checkups done when due, check those prostates and p.s.a., go for a colonoscopy if its time for it, and DON'T WAIT FOR YOUR SPINE TO BLOW! Get in for preventative chiro-care. Again, have a great 4th and remember: if you have a 5th on the 4th, you may not be able to go fourth on the fifth...

Note- Please check our office Facebook for our new summer hours as they are in effect July 5th-August 31st 2011!

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